Key dates
Milestones in the development of the testing centre.
1917-1920 | Development of a subsidiary specialising in the manufacture of turbines and gates by Grenoble-based mechanical engineering firm Neyret, Brenier & Cie, which would take the name Neyrpic in 1948. Birth of a scale model study and testing centre on the site of the new factory, in the Beauvert district of Grenoble. |
1921-1923 | First scale models of hydropower schemes |
1923 | First fixed-bed physical model of a river |
1934 | First movable-bed physical model of a river |
1940 | First studies of industrial and urban hydraulics – First physical maritime model (wave disturbance and stability). The laboratory takes the name "Laboratoire Dauphinois d’Hydraulique" |
1951 | First movable-bed maritime model |
1955 | Creation of Sogreah (Société Grenobloise d'études et d'Applications Hydrauliques) |
1967 | Installation of the ship handling training center on manned models in Port Revel in the vicinity of Grenoble. Each year, the center trains more than a hundred port pilots and ship captains in restricted water navigation |
1987 | Creation of the new laboratory in Pont-de-Claix |
1987 | Construction of a torrent modelling area |
1991 | Construction of the multidirectional wave tank |
1998 | Development of control and measurement instrumentation - Active Absorption in wave generation |
2008 | New wave flume |
Since 2015 | Ramp-up of digital conditioning in data acquisition systems |