Extension of La Cotinière harbour on the island of Oléron

Accurately sizing a harbour breakwater in shallow water


La Cotinière (France) - Client: CéteauCéans - Scale: 1:60

Logo CéteauCéans
Logo CéteauCéans : CeteauCeans

Studies performed in the framework of the design studies for the new fishing harbour in La Cotinière.

The Artelia laboratory's assignment

3D model was built in the multidirectional wave tank in order to:

  • check the hydraulic stability of the main breakwater and the secondary breakwater
  • measure wave disturbance in the new harbour basin
  • estimate overtopping volumes, especially those reaching the new reclaimed area.

The model replicates the main breakwater (550 m) and the secondary breakwater (385 m), the new harbour basin and reclamation area, and the approach channel, which affects incident wave transformation and hence the conditions to which the structures are exposed.

Overtopping, stability and wave disturbance tests

Overtopping tests for La Cotinière | Aretlia Hydraulics

...in the multidirectional wave tank


Stability tests for La Cotinière | Artelia Hydraulics

Specific features of the project

The shallow depth of the reef in front of the main breakwater can lead to the development of seiches and significant local concentration of waves.