Design of a wave protection structure and analysis by means of 3D scan measurements

Study of a wave protection structure for artifical islands

Client: Royal HaskoningDHV - Scale: 1/30


Wave flume modelling (2D) | Artelia hydraulics
Wave flume modelling (2D)

Royal HaskoningDHV has appointed ARTELIA to undertake 2D physical model tests with a view to dimensioning the wave protection structures for the artificial islands located within Al Nouf Field in the North-East Bab area (NEB).

Study of 2 typical cross-sections

Aim of the physical scale model

  • Analysis of the wave stability of the various structure components
  • Analysis of the reprofiling of the armour by means of 3D scan measurements
  • Measurement of overtoppings events

    Analysis of damages with 3D scanning | Artelia hydraulics
    Analysis of damages with 3D scanning


Specific features of the project

  • The island is 950 m long and 250 m wide (excluding revetment)
  • Armour - 3-6 t rocks, slope 1V:3H
  • Design for the 1-500y Return Period Wave Conditions