La Cotinière harbour (France)

La Cotinière harbour extension

Client: CéteauCéans – Scale: 1/60



Stability and wave overtoppings in the wave tank
Stability and wave overtoppings in the wave tank

Design of the new fishing port in La Cotinière.

Objectives of the modelling

  • Study of the hydraulic stability of the main and secondary breakwaters in wave basin
  • Testing of wave disturbance inside the harbour
  • Volume of overtoppings assessment

Length of breakwaters: 551m (main) + 386m (secondary)

Specific features of the project: The depth of the reef in front of the main breakwater is very shallow, resulting in seiches phenomena and high wave energy concentrations in certain places.

Breakwater stability tests in the wave tank
Breakwater stability tests in the wave tank