Merlimont seafront design (France)

Design services concerning the complete refurbishment of the seafront of Merlimont

Client: Communauté d'Agglomération des Deux Baies en Montreuillois - Scale: 1/25


Trunk section in wave flume | Artelia hydraulics
Trunk section in wave flume

Design of the new rocky seafront in Merlimont. Stability study of three different armours/cross-sections using a wave flume. Measure of the volume of the wave overtopping behind the rocky protection.

Key figures

  • Length of rocky seafront : 900 m
  • Armour in rocky blocks 2-4 t

Specific project feature

Tests were done with and without beach nourishment.

Thus, with the beach nourishment the shallow seabed was changed permitting to notice a difference in the wave breaking.

Wave stability and overtoppings in 2D model | Artelia hydraulics
Wave stability and overtoppings in 2D model