Le Crotoy sea front (France)

Structural reinforcement of the Jules Noiret coastal protection

Client : Syndicat Mixte Baie de Somme - Grand Littoral Picard - Echelle : 1/22


Le Crotoy sea front | Artelia hydraulics
Le Crotoy sea front

Le Crotoy is subject to a significant and recurrent erosion dynamic which attacks the beach on the west side. It is also subject on its southern sector to the dynamics of marine submersion during high tides combined with storm conditions. The Jules Noiret breakwater acts as a seafront, road and dike protection for the houses located below. It is degraded in depth by scouring. The degradation of the structure will eventually lead to the retreat of the coastline, increased exposure to flooding by sea waves and the destruction of public infrastructure such as the road and the promenade.


Objectives of the model

The objective of the 2D physical model is to verify the stability of the future protection structure of Jules Noiret street and to qualify the overtoppings for different conditions of waves and water levels.

The rehabilitation of the western protection involves the installation of a new embankment structure consisting of a rock armour and a crown wall.

Specific feature of the project
Overtoppings in the 2D model | Artelia hydraulics
Overtoppings in the 2D model

  • Testing of several foreshore elevations at the toe of the structure to account for future beach erosion
  • Sensitivity to the elevation of the crown wall to improve the visual and landscape impact