Jafrabad LNG terminal (India)

Design of the new LNG Terminal in Jafrabad Harbour

Client: MANTOVANI DI DHARTI - Scales: 1/46.7 (2D) - 1/64.5 (3D)


Stability study of the main breakwater consisting of 10 and 12 m3 Accropode™ armour units, overtopping and pressure study using:

  • a wave flume for two typical cross-sections, at 1:46.7 scale
  • a wave tank for specific zones of the protection breakwater (bends, roundhead) at a scale of 1:64.5

Straight section of the breakwater in 2D model | Artelia hydraulics
Straight section of the breakwater in 2D model

  • Length of the breakwater replicated on the model: 1000 m
  • 100-year wave: 7.7 m high and 14.9 s period

Protection breakwater bend | Artelia hydraulics
Protection breakwater bend in 3D model

Overtopping measurements in 3D model | Artelia hydraulics
Overtopping measurements in 3D model