Menton seafront (France)

Coastal protection in Menton - Baie du Soleil

Client: Communauté d’Agglomération de la Riviera Française - Scale: 1/27

Physical modelling
Coastal protection modelled in wave basin | Artelia hydraulics
Coastal protection modelled in wave basin

Modelling in a wave tank of a coastal protection for the seafront installations in the town of Menton

Protection structure

The protection includes the following components:

  • a slope protection in 1-3t rockfill against the upper beach wall,
  • a foreshore nourishment in peebles with various widths of the berm,
  • a 1-2t underwater rockfill toe mound to prevent pebbles from escaping seaward.

Services provided

Wave breaking on the dissipative foreshore | Artelia hydraulics
Wave breaking on the dissipative foreshore

  • Hydraulic stability of the rockfill slope and the toe mound
  • Overtoppings measurement