Bahia beach (Marocco)

Création d'une plage artificielle - Movable bed physical modelling

Client: ORIENTIS INVEST - Scale: 1/100 Horizontal - 1/90 Vertical - Distorsion: 1,1

Initial beach configuration modelled | Artelia hydraulics
Initial beach configuration modelled

The Bahia tourist project is located on the Atlantic coast between Rabat and Casablanca. The project involved creating an artificial sand beach 1800 m long along the sea-front at Bahia.

The study involved finding the best layout for the groynes and breakwaters in order to:

  • obtain a long-term beach layout that suits the intended recreational use,
  • avoid losing the sand dumped to form the beach.








Final configuration after modelling | Artelia hydraulics
Final configuration after modelling






Seabed change analysis after test | Artelia hydraulics
Seabed change analysis after test